Suzuki Satria 120R-Old 2T Motorcycle From Suzuki

Suzuki Satria 120R-Old 2T Motorcycle From Suzuki

Suzuki Satria 120R is a duck motor with two-stroke underbone design (2 stroke). This motor was born as a large family of RG. For Suzuki Satria 120R is a successor of its predecessor Suzuki RG Sport that carries the 110cc engine.

To start his career, Suzuki Satria 120R was born in 1997 with the first variant of Suzuki Satria 120S with 5 speed semi-automatic clutch. Then in 2002 Suzuki Satria progressed to spawn again with the code name Suzuki Satria 120 RU. Suzuki Satria 120 RU itself is still adopting a design that is not much different with Suzuki Satria 120 S, but Suzuki Satria 120 RU already using manual clutch and has 6 speed.

HIngga in 2003 Suzuki Satria 120 already experience kamajuan with a more aerodynamic design, and has the largest engine at the time. As well as Suzuki Satria 120 has a coolant jet coolant that is known very well in releasing heat. However, Suzuki Satria 120 also has a vulnerability when used for the race and its components are quite expensive to make this bike is required a little attention to have it. And again Suzuki Satria 120 never died until now with his big name.

And in 2017 I found this photo in one of the group Satria 2 tak. I took this photo is a direct permission with the owner of the account "Uky Risdiansyah" thanks fotonya yes, this I display on my blog hehe. Hopefully the lovers of old motor can continue to perpetuate his attention yes, not to be outdone by Suzuki Satria 120 hihi. Okey hopefully useful, see you later, greeting automotive.

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