How to Install Car Battery

Before discussing about How to install a car battery is correct and good, maybe I will tell you a little about the history of GS battery primarily. Because this article starred by GS Astra battery.
Early GS battery trademark was created from the name of the person who first established PT.GS BATTERY. He was named Genzo Shimadzu. Pt.GS itself originally stood in Japan in 1920. And until finally PT.GS BATTERY was in Indonesia for the first time in 1974 and 70 employees it has. For in Indonesia alone PT.GS BATTERY is in Sunter and Karawang.
Yes probably already know a lot about this GS Astra battery, maybe most of the readers here have already used GS Astra battery for motor and car.
For the types of battery itself there are 4:
GSCBT / GS Taxi, this type of battery belonging to a free mantenan battery or can also be called a maintenance-free battery. This battery also has a 46B24 dimension, equivalent to NS60. However, although the dimensions same with NS60 but ahmpere greater reach 55 Ah than NS60 which is only limited to 45 Ah. GS Taxi also has a large head suitable for car: Yaris, Civic, Innova gasoline, CRV, old Alphard and Vios.
GSMFN / GS Mantenan Free, for this type of free Mantenan battery can be said to be general battery for semi dry batteries from GS. Because it has many types such as: NS60, NS60L, NS60LS, 55D23L, 80D26L and NS40Z, and many more. For the Ahmperenya also vary, just adjust to the specifications of your car.
GSPR / GS Premium, this type of batteries into the wet battery class. If you buy this type of battery would have no water. Well loh bingungkan, do not confuse my friend. GS Premium can indeed be said as a manual battery, because if you want to use GS Premium type of battery is quite complicated and takes a long time before it can be used. When you buy a GS premium battery it will get AC / Accu Zur water separately to be loaded into the battery. Once filled up to the upper level, then set GS Premium for 10 minutes. Then it can be used.
GSHY / GS Hybrid, including wet ready-made batteries, meaning that when you buy this battery does not need to bother to fill and menyasnya as well as with GS Premium battery. Because the battery is filled with water and electrocuted directly by the GS. Although wet but service like MF batteries, but still GS Hybrid need to control the battery water every month to maintain the life of the battery life.
Note : This recommendation from GS also si, for Honda Jazz and Nissan Livina cars should use GS Hybrid or Premium type battery if any. Because both batteries are classified as wet battery. Why not use GS Mantenan Free Battery. Actually not not suitable but only the placement of battery on the Honda Jazz and Nissan Livina very close to the engine. So the temperature is too hot, consequently the water battery easily evaporate. But the problem is the type of battery Mantenan Free no evaporation hole.
Already understood about the types of battery, now we will go on how to distinguish fake and original battery, here it is:
1. Above cardboard batteries have barcode, battery abal-abal no
2. Under the cardboard batteries there is a PT.GS Battery logo, abalipabal battery is not there
3. Above the battery body there is a GS logo, no battery abal-abal
4. In front of the battery body there is the writing of Astra Otoparts, abal-abal battery is not there
5. See the logo GS, if below there stand, eg: Gold shine, Garuda Sakti, etc .. It's guaranteed battery life
6. Battery abal-abal usually not too neat packing usually on the battery body.
Steps to install the battery in the usual way:
- Install vender cover if available
- Take the ring lock, fit or shock according to the type of bolt and nut
- Release Negative pole first
- Followed by Positive pole
- Remove the bracket or lock the battery
- Grab a new battery
- Clean the battery premises and lock the battery first
- Put the new battery
- Install bracket / lock battery
- Put a positive pole
- Followed by negative pole
- Re-check the firmness of the nut and lock, and make sure the battery head is properly installed
- Paste or write the date of purchase on the battery with stickers / markers as a reminder
- Check voltage with multi tester if any
- Turn on the machine
- Re-check the installation of the battery, fast and secure
Steps to install the battery with the jumpers jumper
- Install vender cover
- Set up keys and tools
- Prepare the battery for jumpers (must be 12 V)
- Prepare jumper cable, positive red and black negative
- Remove the positive and negative poles first
- Take the red cable
- Pin it to the positive pole on the jumper battery and the positive pole of the car battery head
- Take a black cable
- Pin it to the negative pole on the jumper battery and the negative pole of the car battery head
- Remember negative to negative, positive to positive
- Lift the existing battery in the car and do not disassociate the jumper cable to the jumper battery
- Raise the battery to the car battery
- Reconnect the battery head that is still connected to the jumper battery with care and pay attention to the plus minus
- Once installed properly, first disconnect the negative jumper cable, either from the jumper battery first or from the head of the car battery
- Followed by positive jumper cable release.
- Check again
- Once safe, turn on the machine
Note: Jumper is useful for vehicle engine or radio setting, clock and audiot not reset. But if hesitant to change the battery in the normal way, reset the machine, radio, audio it can be set again easily. Moreover, the engine vibrates, it will return by itself, When compared with damage to the computer system on your car, which caused all skring broken because not sure to menjumper. Jumpper is done only by professional people.
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